Indvidual Supervision
Sex Therapist supervisees are required to collect 50 hours of supervision in order to apply for certification. I meet with my supervisees in-person, over the phone, online through digital meeting spaces, or through Facetime or Skype. Meetings are most commonly an hour in duration, although 90 minute sessions can be arranged.
We not only work to hone-in on technical skill when it comes to the implementation of theory and therapeutic strategy, but I will:
Assess areas of strength and areas of growth clinically, both initially and as they evolve.
Assist in the development of a clinical orientation/therapeutic voice that is synchronous with who you are personally and professionally in the present.
Illuminate and help to work through the emotional reactions that surface for you during and/or because of the work of sex therapy.
Work to build and/or strengthen the systemic framework required when engaging with couples and families.
Provide guidance in navigating the AASECT certification process, if this is something you choose to pursue.
Online Group Supervision
Group supervision is held exclusively online through Zoom video conferencing. I do not utilize a cohort model, facilitating exposure to a wide variety of cases from therapists practicing with diverse populations all over the globe. Groups are limited to 4 members per supervisor, so participants are encouraged to sign-up in advance in order to secure their spot. AASECT requires that supervisors allot 30 minutes per group member, so the duration of the meeting can vary depending on the number registered. I attempt to give folks a heads-up as far in advance as possible in order to allow for easier scheduling.
It is not required that you have a case ready to discuss for every group meeting. Often other members will have cases to review, in addition to general topics or self-of-therapist questions that get raised throughout the conversation. Group supervision can account for half (25) of the required 50 hours of supervision required for sex therapy certification.
Supervision to Become a Sex Therapy Supervisor
Two years after gaining certification and practicing as a Sex Therapist or Counselor, you are eligible to begin training to become a supervisor yourself. 30 hours of supervision of your supervision are required, with group accounting for no more than half (15). A supervisor-in-training must work to provide supervision to at least two supervisees prior being considered for certification. I walk my prospective supervisors through the requirements, the differences in criteria from general certification, as well as where to begin finding potential supervisees to work with in our first meeting. Through the course of our time together we will:
Gain a thorough understanding around the role of the supervisor versus therapist or mentor, and any overlap that exists between and within these roles. This includes discussion around appropriate boundary setting, expectations, and education.
Co-facilitate group supervision of prospective sex therapy certification applicants, taking a critical eye to the group process and inviting creative ways of collaborating to better structure the hour and address the goals of the participants. You will gain a sense for your personal style and philosophy as it compares and contrasts to mine, and an in-depth look at the “behind the scenes” strategy and approach to the unique dynamics that emerge within each meeting.
Work to develop your unique voice and style as a supervisor that aligns with your supervision philosophy and feels synchronous with who you are today.
Look at best practice when it comes to setting supervisees up for success. This means gaining a through knowledge of the supervision handbook; AASECT code of ethics, policies, current certification requirements; and staying abreast of changes happening within the organization.